We generate the symbiosis between technology and the people that make up organizations, to allow them to develop their maximum potential.

We enable technology as the engine of innovation in organizations and as the key to solving the biggest problems of society as a whole.

Our Founder

David Adissi

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Constantly evolving

Technologies evolve, and so do we. From providing IT Operations Management services, we have evolved into a company that is at the forefront of exponential technologies.

Hence, we integrate the latest in Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Machine Learning, and other technologies, to provide avant-garde services such as AIOps.

Meet our team!

A multi-diverse team to support n the operations and evolution cycle of organizations.

Campus of Innovation and Technology

Located in the biggest Spanish-speaking city in the world, in the heart of the technological and cultural convergence of Mexico City.

A space that serves as a node for the Information Technology Industry.

Space where people connect and things happen.